Esto es un single de vinilo editado en un sello alemán -al parecer- especializado en pop escocés (yo hasta hoy no había oído hablar de él). La canción de Wake Up the President no la he conseguido (la he escuchado en myspace) pero si la de The Kingfishers, que es una maravilla. El tema es una versión del "Make Me Sad" de Vic Godard (del lp "What´s the matter boy" de 1980), sólo que es mucho mejor que la original, con una bonita voz femenina y con una producción muy indie pop. Como curiosidad decir que los tales The Kingfishers parece que son una especie de banda tributo a Vic Godard ya que en myspace dicen que su próximo disco será otra versión de Godard, también de un tema del "Whats the matter boy", "Watching The Devil"
Aufgeladen und Bereit is a German label based in Hamburg (St Pauli fans I hope) which specialises in releasing Scottish pop records!
Wake The President are at the poppiest they have ever been with You Can't Change That Boy. This is music that if it was made twenty five years ago would have been one of those songs that defined indie pop as a genre. It's like the Smiths being released on Postcard Records with more hooks than an angling centre. Like a fish I rise and greedily take the bait hook, line and sinker!
On the flip side you will find The Kingfishers and their version of Vic Godard's Make Me Sad. Singer Sam Martin's voice has to be heard to be believed. Her voice is fantastic to say the least and she glides her way through the melancholy with ease. It's no surprise to read that Godard is full of praise for the cover himself!
An excellent single and one that's highly recommended.
The single is out now on Aufgeladen und Bereit. Those in the UK can get it from Norman Records. Both sides can be streamed on the respective bands My Space pages.
Have you got it yet? Wake the President more than make up for the dodgy-looking covers of their first two singles with the new split-single! Well, it's really Aufgeladen und Bereit's sleeve design that does it. Backed with fellow Glaswegians The Kingfishers' take on Godard's "Make Me Sad", "You Can't Change That Boy" raises the bar for the band's studio accomplishments. Now produced by Paul Savage (The Delgados), they're closer to reaching their true potential than ever. They CAN sound even better though, so it'll be interesting to hear how the upcoming full-length turns out!
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