Las dos canciones estarán incluidas en su lp de debut que se publica a finales de Mayo. Son de Sheffield, hay un chico pero mayormente son chicas. Las dos canciones se pueden bajar aquí: http://www.heychuck.com/theespc/index.html
Thee SPC are very proud to announce the imminent arrival of Slow Down Tallahassee’s “The Beautiful Light”.
This debut album, produced by Sheffield legend Alan Smyth (Arctic Monkeys, Long Blondes, Pulp, Richard Hawley, etc.), is a shining beacon of fuzzed-up indie pop! As Slow Down Tallahassee say themselves:
“We started the band because we wanted to write songs with warmth and passion. Songs that people could dance to and fall in love with, combining truth with fantasy, exploring the shadows between innocence and corruption. But, above all, our goal has been to make a great pop record.”
And that they have done. Taking guidance from their love of 50s twang, 60s pop and 80s indie, Slow Down Tallahassee have created a world of their very own. Join the gang and you’ll never be lonely again.
Esto es lo que dice de ellas el amigo Tangents/unpopular
So anyway, having whined about not knowing what is out there, what other contemporary treats can I share with you? Well, what about Slow Down Tallahassee’s Beautiful Light set, due out on the Sheffield Phonographic Corporation label later this month? I had missed the ‘So Much For Love’ single last year, but am delighted to be catching up with them now. If I was being lazy I would reel out some line about Slow Down Tallahassee joining a pristine line of girl Pop à la Pipettes and Lucky Soul, but really they are informed less by ’50s / ’60s bubblegum pop and more by those infatuations filtered through an ’80s indiepop fuzz. This could be a recipe for disaster (I mean, I listened to some old Primitives records the other day and was appalled), but in this case thankfully it is not, for Slow Down Tallahassee instead lift the bar and end up somewhere not a million miles from where some of the fine My Favorite records ended up. There is also in places a flavour of groups like Stereolab and Mahagony at their Pop finest; something in the insistent rhythms and grooves. ‘Electric Sun’ in particular sounds exactly as it ought, full of guitars that crunch and mesh like ‘Sensitive’ Field Mice with a disembodied vocal floating away in the breeze like a Seefeel breath of nectar. Best of all though is the mesmerising ‘Tallahassee Bop’. Built solidly on a ‘Norwegian Wood’ refrain, it’s the kind of song that you cannot help but stick on repeat. Lyrically it is peachy, too, and is perhaps the best example of how Slow Down Tallahassee update the hinted at sexual infusion of those old ’50s teen-pop tunes. Oddly enough, I touched on this almost exactly a year ago when the Young Playthings album came out, and indeed The Beautiful Light has the same kind of eager thrill and complete lack of Rock earnestness that made Who Invented Love such a wonderful blast of Pop brilliance.
“I’ll see you in my dreams, making those eyes at me, I’ll go with you daddyo…”
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