Hay dos canciones aquí que se dejan escuchar ("This Piece" y "In Future Present". El resto del lp es un poco aburrido. Hacen algo así como folk tecno, música intimista a cargo de una chica Bobby Baby(sueca, que colaboró con Montt Mardie) y de Frank Blumm. Pertenecen a Morr Music. Salen en el Go! Magazine de este mes, aunque no dicen mucho
Bobby & Blumm" live in Berlin and were introduced to each other by Thomas Morr in early 2007.They are dealing with voices and pickings, on electro-acoustic guitar, keyboards and other biscuits.They are giving the wide world of pop new structures, little turns and unexpected changes. They are adding hiss and rustle, purity and warmth. They sound dreamy, detailed, soft and fragile. They make silent-songs.
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