1) Jeff Barrett (el capo de Heavenly Records) escribe sobre Rob Gretton, el que fuera manager de New Order y cuenta como llegó a ser publicista de éstos. Impagable su presentación ante Rob Gretton: "I had long hair. Shoulder length, curly, red hair (in my mind Tim Buckley, in reality Robert Plant) Worn with red selvedge Levi’s, ‘engineer’ boots and vintage American check shirts. (My point here being that it was a look. Maybe a crap one but it was deliberate).
I walked up to the door, maybe a little nervous by now, and rang the bell. The door opened and it was Rob. He looked at me – stared at me in fact – pushed his glasses up and declared “Fuckin’ ‘ell they’ve sent me a hippy”." )
de http://caughtbytheriver.net/2009/05/remembering-rob-gretton/
2) Alan McGee escribe de forma entusiasta sobre Dan Tracey de Tv Personalities (http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/musicblog/2009/may/05/dan-treacy-creation-records)
3) Gail Chickfactor escribe de forma NADA entusiasta sobre Dan Tracey de Tv Personalities (http://www.chickfactor.com/2009/05/creationism.html)
4) Jon Savage comenta un reciente libro sobre la música disco (http://caughtbytheriver.net/2009/05/vince-aletti-the-disco-files/)
5) Unpopular habla sobre la reedición de The Vaselines (http://unpopular.typepad.com/unpopular/2009/05/the-day-he-was-a-horse.html) y sobre la extraña obsesión del grupo por los equinos
How come your songs had so many equine motifs?
E: I was a horse for one day after a day trip to the Isle of Millport. It’s all in the song, ‘The Day I Was a Horse’.
F: Eugene liked to shag horses.
y 6) jumped pantry boy habla sobre Biff Bang Pow!, The Claim y sobre su antiguo zine (1987)Pont Plant Pantry
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