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sábado, 7 de junio de 2008

Edición europea de "Bookshop Casanova" de The Clientele

Bookshop Casanova, our US summer single for 2007, looks set to get a summer 2008 release for the UK and Europe. It will be digital only I’m afraid but you can download exclusive track Girl From Somewhere and our cover of Television’s "The Fire" as part of the package. There is also a nice graphic of an Owl sculpture from New Mexico as the cover, which is currently behind glass in the spooky Victorian-style Pitt-Rivers Museum in Oxford. Download details when we get them (La portada de la foto es la edición de Merge en USA)

Aquí os dejo la versión de Television http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/6/3/1942444/the%20clientele_bookshop%20casanova_02_the%20fire%20TELEVISION%20COVER.mp3

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contact: silvinaberenguergomez@gmail.com