As one member of the Clientele Forum puts it, ‘kind of Sister Sledge meets Orange Juice round at Jimmy Page’s house’.
La canción principal "Share The Night" se puede escuchar en http://www.myspace.com/theclienteleofficial
Lo edita Acuarela, según leo en http://www.theclientele.co.uk/news/2008/05/new-ep-and-spanish-tour
Friday, May 16 2008
New EP and Spanish Tour
There is an all-new Clientele E.P. coming up, the first recordings we’ve made since God Save the Clientele. It will be released by Acuarela Records of Madrid (the third E.P. we’ve done with them and the last part of a trilogy). We’ve always used our Acuarela E.P.s to stretch out a little bit between albums and create a kind of a through-the-looking glass version of the Clientele, and this will be no exception, but this time with the catchiest songs we’ve ever recorded. The title of the E.P. is "That night a Forest Grew". See shows section for a supporting Spanish tour, including a visit to Primavera Sound.
La foto está sacada de http://acuarela-algodemi.blogspot.com/
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