En el último RockdeLujo hay una entrevista a Ibón Le Mans en la que se confiesa adicto al blog de Momus (ya somos 2) ("suelo mirar su blog, donde habla de todo, desde arquitectura a cultura japonesa, pasando por un post sobre los aspectos positivos de la crisis económica").
En sus últimos post habla sobre su miedo a volar, e incluye anécdota española. El pobre viajó en ¡Spantax!, una ya extinta compañía mallorquina que no tenía muy buena fama precisamente ( http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spantax)
(" I'm pretty sure I took no flights at all between 1975 (when my family flew back to Scotland from Montreal via Air Canada) and 1988, when I flew with Alan McGee and his band Biff Bang Pow to Spain on a dodgy charter flight operated by a company called Spantax. At 15, on the Air Canada flight, I wasn't nervous at all. But 28 year-old me flying to Spain was terrified. For the return flight, I wandered off alone in Madrid airport (flying always makes me broody and solitary), bought wax ear-plugs, and sat watching the planes taking off and landing, amazed that each of them succeeded. On the flight I had ear plugs stuffed into my ears and tissue filling my concave sunglasses. It was the next best thing to general anaesthetic. I vaguely heard McGee tell someone: "It's no great loss; he's not a big talker anyway." At one point I peeped out of the window and got an incredibly beautiful view of provincial France. Not a cloud was in the sky, and the plane was perfectly smooth.)"
También me ha hecho gracia que ha descubierto por internet un dibujo sobre él que no le gusta nada porque dice que ¡se parece a Tintín! (ver foto). A mi en cambio me gusta y mucho.
(" I'm pretty sure I took no flights at all between 1975 (when my family flew back to Scotland from Montreal via Air Canada) and 1988, when I flew with Alan McGee and his band Biff Bang Pow to Spain on a dodgy charter flight operated by a company called Spantax. At 15, on the Air Canada flight, I wasn't nervous at all. But 28 year-old me flying to Spain was terrified. For the return flight, I wandered off alone in Madrid airport (flying always makes me broody and solitary), bought wax ear-plugs, and sat watching the planes taking off and landing, amazed that each of them succeeded. On the flight I had ear plugs stuffed into my ears and tissue filling my concave sunglasses. It was the next best thing to general anaesthetic. I vaguely heard McGee tell someone: "It's no great loss; he's not a big talker anyway." At one point I peeped out of the window and got an incredibly beautiful view of provincial France. Not a cloud was in the sky, and the plane was perfectly smooth.)"
También me ha hecho gracia que ha descubierto por internet un dibujo sobre él que no le gusta nada porque dice que ¡se parece a Tintín! (ver foto). A mi en cambio me gusta y mucho.
Finalmente anuncia que Cherry Red TV le ha entrevistado y que en pocos días colgarán la entrevista en la web y que hay una sátira sobre su blog en twitter (para partirse) de un personaje que firma como Twit_Opera (en vez del click opera de su blog) con foto incluida parodiándolo con parche pirata en el ojo. Momus naturalmente disfruta con ello...
En fin, que este Momus me divierte y entretiene un montón
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