Estaba leyendo a Sheila B en su Cha Cha Charming (http://www.chachacharming.com/article.php?id=2&pg=8) cuando me topé con esto:
"Another Bernadette worth mentioning is Bernadette Castro, the artist responsible for my all-time favorite girl group record, "A Girl In Love Forgives." This is one of the few obscure girl group records that can compete with the Shangri Las' and Ronettes' unparalleled track records. Just how this song never charted is forever a mystery. Bernadette is the daughter of the original Castro convertible bed maker, a company still in business today. She released an additional single on Colpix called "Sports Car Sally," popular among many girl group collectors for its hot-rod theme."
Al margen de la curiosa historia de Bernadette (ver http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernadette_Castro - impagable lo de ser hija de "El rey del sofá convertible" y sus pintas actuales, dedicada a la política neoyorkina y con cargos importantes), lo divertido es que me he puesto a buscar la canción de marras y me he encontrado con unos recopilatorios llamados "The Girl Group Sound" (5 volumenes, ni más ni menos). El blog Take The Pills colgó alguno de ellos, pero los he conseguido todos a 320.
Aquí hay una reseña sobre ellos: http://www.gullbuy.com/buy/2006/9_19/girlgroupsound.cfm
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