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sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009
jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2009
Bernadette Castro y las recopilaciones "The Girl Group Sound"

Estaba leyendo a Sheila B en su Cha Cha Charming (http://www.chachacharming.com/article.php?id=2&pg=8) cuando me topé con esto:
"Another Bernadette worth mentioning is Bernadette Castro, the artist responsible for my all-time favorite girl group record, "A Girl In Love Forgives." This is one of the few obscure girl group records that can compete with the Shangri Las' and Ronettes' unparalleled track records. Just how this song never charted is forever a mystery. Bernadette is the daughter of the original Castro convertible bed maker, a company still in business today. She released an additional single on Colpix called "Sports Car Sally," popular among many girl group collectors for its hot-rod theme."
Al margen de la curiosa historia de Bernadette (ver http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernadette_Castro - impagable lo de ser hija de "El rey del sofá convertible" y sus pintas actuales, dedicada a la política neoyorkina y con cargos importantes), lo divertido es que me he puesto a buscar la canción de marras y me he encontrado con unos recopilatorios llamados "The Girl Group Sound" (5 volumenes, ni más ni menos). El blog Take The Pills colgó alguno de ellos, pero los he conseguido todos a 320.
Aquí hay una reseña sobre ellos: http://www.gullbuy.com/buy/2006/9_19/girlgroupsound.cfm
Broadcast regresan
miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2009
Somos centenarios ( Y SALILLAS no se olvida de nosotros)

Felicidades! Somos centenarios
00:00h - 9 septiembre, 2009
¡Felicidades! Cuando transcurren en el reloj los primeros segundos del 9 de septiembre de 2009, todos y cada uno de los que formamos parte de la familia levantinista estamos de enhorabuena y nos tenemos que sentir orgullosos porque soplamos en nuestra tarta particular las velas del Centenario.
Un aniversario que muy pocos hasta el momento han tenido la oportunidad de celebrar. En esta nueva etapa que se presenta ante nosotros debemos mirar hacia el futuro con ilusión; una ilusión que nos tiene que acompañar en esta andadura que pasará a ocupar páginas destacadas de la historia, no sólo de Valencia, sino también del fútbol nacional.
Desde el Levante UD se invita a todos los aficionados a que cuelguen en sus balcones la bandera y la bufanda del Centenario, a que luzcan orgullosos los colores azulgranas y a que impregnen a la capital del Túria y a sus poblaciones de esa alegría que siempre comporta una celebración.
00:00h - 9 septiembre, 2009
¡Felicidades! Cuando transcurren en el reloj los primeros segundos del 9 de septiembre de 2009, todos y cada uno de los que formamos parte de la familia levantinista estamos de enhorabuena y nos tenemos que sentir orgullosos porque soplamos en nuestra tarta particular las velas del Centenario.
Un aniversario que muy pocos hasta el momento han tenido la oportunidad de celebrar. En esta nueva etapa que se presenta ante nosotros debemos mirar hacia el futuro con ilusión; una ilusión que nos tiene que acompañar en esta andadura que pasará a ocupar páginas destacadas de la historia, no sólo de Valencia, sino también del fútbol nacional.
Desde el Levante UD se invita a todos los aficionados a que cuelguen en sus balcones la bandera y la bufanda del Centenario, a que luzcan orgullosos los colores azulgranas y a que impregnen a la capital del Túria y a sus poblaciones de esa alegría que siempre comporta una celebración.
El 9 de septiembre de 1909, el Levante Club de Fútbol fue registrado en la sede de la Federación Valenciana de Fútbol. Un siglo después, y tras la fusión con el Real Gimnástico Club de Fútbol en 1939, el club acaba de superar una de las peores crisis de su historia y sigue muy vivo, con un proyecto deportivo serio y muy esperanzador. Son 100 años de vida, de los que cinco han sido en Primera, y que dejan a la Copa de la República de 1937 como gran título en las vitrinas de la entidad, a pesar de que la RFEF no reconozca el galardón.
Salillas no se olvida del Centenario del Levante
· El ariete asegura que su mujer aún le canta lo de "Paco Salillas mete un gol"
· El ariete asegura que su mujer aún le canta lo de "Paco Salillas mete un gol"
Las composiciones de Ashford & Simpson

Uno de los momentos 10 de este verano fue escuchar este especial de Flor de Pasión dedicado a estos increíbles compositores (también artistas): http://flordepasion.radiotres.org/archives/005446.html
Y ahora me encuentro con que Kent/Ace Records les dedica una bonita retrospectiva: http://www.acerecords.co.uk/content.php?page_id=59&release=7949
John Carney también le dedicó un bonito artículo a Valerie Simpson: http://www.tangents.co.uk/tangents/main/2006/november/reason48.html
La pareja compuso canciones para MARVIN GAYE & TAMMI TERRELL ("Ain´t no mountain high"/"Your Precious Love"), DIANA ROSS ("Reach Out...", "You´re All I Need to get by"), CANDY AND THE KISSES/THE CRYSTALS ("Are You Trying To Get Rid of My Baby") THE KITTENS/CANDY & THE KISSES ("Looky, Looky"), MARLENA SHAW/5th DIMENSION ("California Soul"), THE CHIFFONS ("The Real Thing") o la impagable "Silly Wasn´t I" interpretada por la propia Valerie Simpson en su segundo lp del año 72, todas ellas dignas de aparecer en un top 100 de mejores canciones de la historia.
miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009
Dana Gillespie - "You Just Gotta Know My Mind"

Trallazo mod-pop. Es una versión de Donovan que nunca grabó. La descubrí leyendo el 50.000 reasons de John Carney dedicado a Fay Hallam. Rev-Ola reeditó el disco hace poco
Dana Gillespie was a music lover from an early age: "I discovered the blues when I went to the American Folk Blues Festival in 1962 and also to see the Yardbirds at the Marquee Club. I was in my early teens and hadn't heard anything like it before."
In 1964 she recorded her first single for Pye, with Donovan on guitar and became a regular on the folk circuit along with friends Donovan and David Bowie. She recalls: "I was doing folk because I couldn't afford a band and I hadn't found my musical niche". In those early years Dana got to know many of the top bands and people in the music business, appearing on Ready Steady Go and other cool TV shows of the era along with the legends of the British pop explosion.
In 1967, she made this album, Foolish Seasons, a Psychpop/Swinging London/Folkrock masterpiece. Featuring the rare Donovan song, "You Just Gotta Know My Mind," which should have been a smash mod hit, (and also includes the guitar of JIMMY PAGE!!!), and two fantastic Billy Nicholls covers from his much celebrated and legendary Psych/Softpop gem, 'Would You Believe.' Arranged by the great Mike Vickers and produced by Wayne Bickerton (World of Oz, Jackie Lomax, Pete Best Four, The Rubettes), this is one of THE great missing links of 1960s pop....Dana was to make one more album for Decca, morphing seamlessly into a more blues based style, before becoming a star of London's West End theatre: the first run of Jesus Christ Superstar (playing Mary Magdalene), The Who's "Tommy" (playing the Acid Queen) and the rock Othello, "Catch My Soul". She also appeared with Peter Cook, Dudley Moore and Kenneth Willams in the film "The Hound Of The Baskervilles" and starred in Ken Russell's "Mahler". A number of roles in latter-day Hammer films and more experimental arthouse movies are also fondly remembered. As a singer she moved to RCA Records and made ‘Weren’t Born A Man’ and ‘Ain’t Gonna Play No Second Fiddle’, under the aegis of David Bowie, whose management, Mainman, also took care of her career. A period in the US was spectacularly ended when Bob Dylan invited her to appear on his 1997 UK tour.
Dana continues recording recording successfully today, specialising in her first love, emotionally expressive blues music. This sumptious reissue of her classic first album is LONG overdue!!
martes, 9 de junio de 2009
el Tributo de Morr Music al pop de Nueva Zelanda

1. Lali Puna - I Like Rain (Jean Paul Sartre Experience)
2. People Press Play - Kaleidoscope World (The Chills)
3. Tarwater - Death And The Maiden (Verlains)
4. It's A Musical - All My Hollowness To You (Tall Dwarfs)
5. B. Fleischmann - Not Given Lightly (Chris Knox)
6. The Go Find - Pink Frost (The Chills)
7. Guther - Glide (Chris Knox)
8. The Wooden Birds - Afternoon In Bed (The Bats)
9. Butcher The Bar - Bee To Honey (Tall Dwarfs)
10. Sin Fang Bous - I Think I'd Thought I'd Nothing Else To Think About (The Chills)
11. Borko - Up In The Sky (Jean Paul Sartre Experience)
12. Masha Qrella - Pink Frost (The Chills)
13. Saroos - Prisoner Of A Single Passion (Graeme Jefferies)
14. American Analog Set - Anything Could Happen (The Clean)
15. Bobby & Blumm - On An Unknown Beach (Peter Jefferies)
16. Contriva - Light (Chris Knox)
17. ISAN - Harmonic Deluxe (Robert Scott)
18. Electric President - You Forget (David Kilgour)
1. Benni Hemm Hemm - Stoffeise
2. Radical Face - Wandering
3. Guther - New Science
4. Sin Fang Bous - Nothings
5. Seabear - Singing Arc
6. Butcher The Bar - Snakes
7. Surf City - Kudos
8. Electric President - White Noise
9. It's A Musical - In Case Of Harmony
10. Seavault - Cornfields
11. Populous - Zodiac
12. Saroos - Dubstar
13. Tarwater - Captain
14. ISAN - Happy Chord Whore
15. Bobby & Blumm - Take A Sip
16. B. Fleischmann - Aldebaran Waltz
Not Given Lightly - A Tribute To the Giant Golden Book Of New Zealand`s Alternative Music Scene
Are sounds sent on a journey they come back in echoes. This compilation is widely traveled - around half of the world and to another time. To the 1980ies when just in New Zealand the archetype of what was called Indie Pop later on was pressed on vinyl and soon defined a new way of how Indie pop has seen itself, concerning sound as well as attitude. "Flying Nun", "Xpressway", "IMD" or "Corpus Hermeticum" were the names of the labels, The Clean, The Chills or Tall Dwarfs the names of the bands. Pop songs or rather hits were born in garages and pressed on screen printed seven inches. A relevant music culture beyond a big and global music industry was thought and lived. Maybe just because it has not reached New Zealand before.
There was a promise in songs like "Not given lightly" by Chris Knox or "Pink Frost" by The Chills. And this promise was heard. In the US Pavement, Yo La Tengo and Sonic Youth referred to New Zealand's Alternative music scene directly. In Germany artists as well as label runners adapted this DIY-idea. Markus Acher, who is part of this compilation with "Lali Puna", played together with Graeme Jefferies. Suddenly, LoFi was present everywhere. And last but not least Morr Music would not have been thinkable without this DIY-idea. Even if the musical means and forms differed in the meantime New Zealand was carried in the heart. "Since a few years", says Thomas Morr, "I have begun to play Flying-Nun-records more often. The songs are simply too great, it would be a pity to leave them to a specialist's knowledge only." Now the Morr Music family has made them to their own in a fantastic way.
Morr Music has recorded its own being and becoming in conceptual compilations twice before. In 2000 "Putting the Morr back into Morrissey" defined the way of how Morr Music sees itself. Besides, it defined the aesthetics of a genre that was called Indietronic once. "Blue Skied An' Clear" - a homage to the British band Slowdive - set to music the status of individual as well as collective sound biographies within the Morr universe.
Now there is "A Tribute to the Giant Golden Book of New Zealand's Alternative Music". It is here partly because the world goes in circles, because this timeless music fits perfectly in a time in which the production conditions of pop music are radically restricted last but not least because of economic conditions. But there is no reason to complain about - this can be learned from the records of that time, too. Particularly because the laptop is heir to the four-track recorder today and at least the sounds have all the freedom possible. "Not Given Lightly" is the archaeology of an atmosphere of breaking up. The latter - consciously or unconsciously - resonates too within most of Morr Music releases. "Not Given Lightly" is an affair of the heart, not only for Thomas Morr. Almost inevitable that with Surf City a young band from New Zealand has meanwhile put its name down on the Morr Music map.
lunes, 8 de junio de 2009
Interesantes entradas en el blog de Chickfactor

Una exposición del indispensable fotográfo Richard Avedon; un documental sobre Vasthi Bunyan; el dibujante Chris Ware (su "Catalogo de Novedades Acme" -Mondadori- es el comic del mes en el Rockdelujo) en el New Yorker; el estreno de su página en flicrk http://www.flickr.com/photos/gailochickfactor/ y muchas más cosas son algunas de las entradas recientes en el blog de Gail Chickfactor. Indispensable
sábado, 6 de junio de 2009
Oído el de God Help The Girl
El lp no me ha dicho mucho, salvo ""I´ll have to dance with Cassie" y el single:
viernes, 5 de junio de 2009
Ama: gratis su nuevo lp

El grupo de Javier Sánchez (la Buena Vida) vuelve ya fuera de Jabalina (ahora en los enanos gigantes, donde graba Fernando Alfaro). El disco lo podéis COMPRAR AQUÍ o si preferís, descargarlo aquí gratis, aunque si te gusta y lo deseas, puedes hacer un donativo vía Paypal
Más info: http://amamusica.info/
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- silvina berenguer
- contact: silvinaberenguergomez@gmail.com